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  • Writer's pictureZyrus Kingly

Career Opportunities Under Humanities and Social Sciences

  1. Graphic Artist / Graphic Designer

  • Communication design is another term for graphic design. Graphic designers are visual communicators that use hand or computer tools to construct visual concepts. They use both tangible and interactive art types, such as photographs, sentences, and graphics, to express ideas in order to inspire, educate, or captivate customers.

2. Journalist

  • A journalist is a person who has been qualified to gather material in the form of text, audio, or images, process it into newsworthy form, and then disseminate it to the general public. Journalism is the act or procedure that is primarily performed by a writer. Broadcast, broadcast, advertisers, and public relations staff are all examples of journalism, and depending on the type of journalism, the word journalist may refer to a variety of people depending on their positions in the process.

3. Criminologists

  • A criminologist's main task is to investigate all facets of crime and come up with solutions to deter violent behaviour and mitigate recidivism. Criminologists compile data to look for trends. They look at crime styles as well as backgrounds and geographic areas. A criminologist's work is mostly research-based, and they may do their research in a sterile office environment or in the field. Criminals can be interviewed by criminologists in order to get a better understanding of their mentality and motives for committing crimes. They may also collaborate closely with law enforcement, community groups, and policymakers to implement strategies aimed at reducing violence and ensuring that accused and convicted criminals are handled equally.

4. Politician

  • A politician is someone who is involved in party politics or who holds or seeks an elected position in government. Politicians formulate, promote, and create laws and regulations that control the land and, by definition, the people who live there.

5. Author

  • An author, also known as a novel, is the source or originator of any published material, such as a book or a play. An creator, in a broader sense, is "the individual who made or gave life to something," and his or her authorship decides blame for what was created.

6. Psychologist

  • A psychologist investigates natural and pathological mental states, perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and social processes and attitudes by experimenting with, as well as studying, understanding, and documenting how people interact with one another and their surroundings. 1st Psychologists typically earn a four-year bachelor's degree, with post-graduate study often expected. Psychologists, unlike doctors, are normally unable to administer drugs to their patients. Psychologists may consult for a variety of organizations and individuals, including schools, hospitals, private clinics, workplaces, and sports teams.

7. Teacher

  • A teacher (also known as a schoolteacher or educator) is a person who assists students in gaining experience, competence, or virtue. Anyone will take on the job of teacher informally (e.g. when showing a colleague how to perform a specific task). In certain nations, rather than in a formal environment such as a school or college, young people of school age can be taught in an informal setting such as within the family (homeschooling). Some occupations can necessitate a considerable amount of teaching (e.g. youth worker, pastor). In most nations, paying specialist teachers are in charge of formal education of pupils.

8. Lawyer

  • A lawyer or attorney is a person who prepares, interprets, and applies the law as an advocate, attorney at law, barrister, barrister-at-law, bar-at-law, civil law notary, counsel, consultant, solicitor, legal executive, or public servant, but not as a paralegal or charter executive secretary. Working as a lawyer entails putting abstract legal ideas and expertise into practice in order to address particular individualized challenges or to further the needs of others who employ attorneys to provide legal services. The lawyer's position varies greatly depending on the legal jurisdiction.

There are also many other career paths under Humanities and Social Sciences. You just need to explore the huge variety of courses realted to this track. Be a Humanista right now! Have fun and Best of luck!

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